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0105 Battery Pack - suit Older Style CoxBox & Megaphone

Replacement battery pack for CoxBox & BlueOcean Megaphone.

Easy user replaceable.

Battery warranty is 2 years.

  • Charge your battery pack ONLY with an NK or Blue Ocean battery charger following these instructions. You may also safely use an NK Cox Box following the provided instructions if available.
  • Plug the charger into a standard wall outlet. NOTE: The battery charger is capable of accepting all world currents. If traveling, you need only obtain an inexpensive adapter plug for your destination's outlet configuration to use your battery charger. 

NOTE the alignment guides on the battery pack - two on one end, one on the other.

  • Align the battery pack guides with the matching grooves on the Charger and insert the battery pack. DO NOT FORCE the pack into the charger.
  • Turn the battery pack knob until it clicks. The battery will begin charging.
  • Charging Time: Charging a fully depleted battery to 100% requires 12 hours. A partially discharged battery will recharge more quickly.
  • Operating Capacity & Standby Time: A fully-charged battery will provide 8 hours of typical operation, defined as speaking 35% of the time at volume level 6, and 30 hours of standby time. Hours of operation will vary significantly depending on the volume, continuity of operation, and microphone use.
  • Charge Retention: A charged battery will retain its charge for up to two months if left in the Blue Ocean Megaphone and six months if stored separately.
  • Cycle Life: An NK Blue Ocean battery pack can be expected to provide 80% of its rated capacity after 300 charge/discharge cycles and 60% after 500 cycles. Storing, transporting or using your battery pack at temperatures exceeding 115°F/45°C will substantially reduce the cycle life of your battery pack.

DOES NOT INCLUDE CHARGER , Uses #0106 Charger to Charge #0105 Battery

0.1 250.00
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